Brazil Quotes


"Um... don't you want to search me?"


Sam says this to the security officer posted outside the elevator that takes him to his new office. Sam has been promoted to Information Retrieval where they don't require badges or identification. Once you're in you're in. He's so programmed to being connected to a number and an identification card that he is confused by the officer not searching him, as if it is a trick that he is about to take the bait on.

"Information Retrieval has got him down as "inoperative." And there's another one - security has got him down as "excised." Administration has got him down as "completed.""


Kurtzmann is reading this to Sam trying to figure out what all of these terms mean regarding Buttle. Kurtzmann like everyone else who works at the Ministry of Information is so brainwashed that he can't read between the lines to realize that every word describing Buttle means that he is dead. His statement, though, also shows his not wanting to admit what he can figure out on his own. It's a way of denying responsibility in the death of Buttle.

"My own credit card."

Little Girl on Santa's Lap

Santa asks a little girl what she wants for Christmas, and this statement is her response. Saying this is an allusion to the fact that society is so out of touch that even the children desire things that aren't real. A credit card gives her the ability to have things that she can't afford and puts her in a position of debt that makes her owned by her debtors, which is where big business wants her to be.

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