Brazil Irony

Brazil Irony

The Truth Shall Make You Free

This statement is etched on a statue at the entrance of the Ministry of Information. It's ironic because they tell the people that they provide the truth but in reality they control information to control the people. Thus no one knows the truth and therefore no one is truly free.

A Mistake

Lowry and Kurtzmann catch the Buttle/Tuttle mistake and Kurtzmann is alarmed ready to do something about it. Ironically he stops trying to do something when Lowry tells him it wasn't their department that made the mistake so they carry on having tea and don't concern themselves with the issue any further.

Who You Know

Sam's mother is taking him to lunch and she is let into the restaurant instantly. Sam on the other hand is stopped cold by the maitre d' even though Sam is a foot from his mother. It takes Mrs. Lowry saying that he is with her for him to allow him to come in for lunch. The irony is that everyone knows her and of her power and Sam has done everything in his power to not live like her thus he is invisible to the "important crowd."

Say the Number

Lowry orders lunch with his mother by saying he wants a steak, rare. Ironically the waiter will not accept his order unless he verbally says the number from which the steak is listed. It's so programmed into the man that it upsets him that Sam won't cooperate with the way he needs it to be.

Central Services

Sam calls Central Services because they do all of the repairs in the city as his air conditioning unit is not working. Ironically Central Services has a taped message saying they are unavailable to help. They are the only ones who can fix it and they can't help! This adds to the absurdity of Gilliam's picture.

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