Blossoms of the Savannah

Blossoms of the Savannah Quotes and Analysis

And that was the reason, like a stinking rotten carcass would draw a torrent of flies to itself, people like him and many others got drawn to the murky business of Oloisudori.

Narrator, p. 110

This quote explains the allure of Oloisudori and also expresses his repugnant nature. Everyone knows the man is a criminal who cannot be trusted. Yet, Ole Kaelo goes into business with him anyway in pursuit of riches.

"Why should I care about violating the backward culture when it does not care when it violates my own rights?"

Taiyo, p. 135

Taiyo makes this remark to Joseph Parmuat after she professes her love for him. The quote expresses Tiayo's frustrations with Maa culture and its treatment of women. It also raises an important question: is it not wrong to subordinate oneself to an immoral law?

He wondered where in the world they had fetched that awkward, overblown, stupid child.

Narrator, p. 42

Ole Kaelo thinks this to himself about Resian after she breaks a cup. The moment is significant insofar as it expresses the deep resentment he feels toward his own daughter.

He began to rationalise all matters pertaining to Oloisudori. He thought of the disquieting matter of his reputation. He thought it was all hearsay.

Narrator, p. 170

The narrator describes how Ole Kaelo begins to rationalize the situation he has gotten his daughter into. His association with Oloisudori has forced him to make a choice: allow Oloisudori to marry Resian or risk financial ruin. In the end, he ignores the warning signs and chooses money over the wellbeing of his daughters.

"She seems to be a courageous woman who firmly opposes what she considers wrong without caring whether she rubs the men of the culture the wrong way. Many women would not dare go against the grain."


Here Resian is referring to Minik, the sheep farmer and opponent of female genital cutting. While speaking to one of her uncle's wives she learns that Minik attended Makerere University and studied veterinary science. The quote places emphasis on Resian's opposition to female genital mutilation and her aspiration to attend school.

Woe to him if he thought she was a chattel to be secured by the content of a briefcase!

Narrator, p. 200

This quote is the narrator's description of Resian's thoughts surrounding the dowery Oloisudori pays to Ole Kaelo. The quote draws attention to the objectification of women that occurs when a daughter is married off in exchange for money.

"It is only that you children are at times stupid and have myopic minds."

Ole Kaelo, p. 211

Here Ole Kaelo is speaking to Resian when she runs to the shop to beg him to allow her to go to Egerton University rather than marry Oloisudori. This quote sums up the paternalistic way in which Ole Kaelo treats Resian. This is directly before he slaps her for refusing to marry Oloisudori.

Resian was humbled and reduced to tears when she learnt that the old enkabaani walked the whole way through the dangerous terrain to look for means to remove her from Olarinkoi's snare.

Narrator, p. 258

Here the reader learns of the great sacrifice and personal risk that Nabaru went through to help Resian escape from Olarinkoi. It speaks to the great strength and courage of Maa women.

"...the rescued girl is your sister Taiyo and the man that was killed is called Joseph Parmuat..."

Minik, p. 277

At this moment, Resian learns not only about how her sister Taiyo has been rescued from Oloisudori, but also about the death of Joseph Parmuat, her friend and brother. This is the climax of the novel, and also the moment in which Resian discovers that the rescue team was unable to save Taiyo from circumcision.

"These two letters contain your letters of admission to the Egerton University!"

Minik, p. 285

Despite all the violence and abuse Taiyo and Resian suffer, the novel concludes with the realization of both girls' dreams: meeting their personal hero and attending Egerton University.