Blankets Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of the novel’s title?

    Blankets hold multiple layers of meaning and significance both to the author on a personal level as well as for the narrative. The blanket, at least when the author artist was young, served as a symbol and metaphor for poverty and lack. They were so poor growing up that he and his brother had to share a bed and a blanket and when it was cold they often fought over it. During the summer they fought over it as its presence on the bed made it dreadfully uncomfortable because it was too hot and they were too poor to even afford an electric fan. The blanket becomes even more meaningful to the author-artist when he is given a handmade quilt by Raina as a token of affection. Snow is also a beloved symbol to the author, and when snow falls heavily upon the ground it too serves as a form of blanket.

  2. 2

    How is the theme of religion discussed in the novel?

    The theme of religion is discussed primarily through the author’s recollections as a young boy and as a young man. Religion is treated almost like a protagonist in the narrative, being a primary source of the author’s great turmoil. Rather than being a source of strength and solace for him it instead fills him with guilt, confusion, and self-loathing. It doesn’t help that his parents use religion as a tool of conformity by creating fear using the threat of hell or the guilt of hurting Jesus—a figure whom the author genuinely respects and regards highly—as a kind of boogeyman to quell anything that they perceive to be poor behavior.

  3. 3

    Why did Craig opt not to tell his parents of his decision concerning his faith?

    Craig, despite the renouncing of his faith, chooses not to inform his parents of it. When asked by Philip why he has chosen to withhold this information from them he tells him that it was not done to deceive them nor was it done out of cowardice but out of great respect and love for them. He tells Philip that the single highest aspiration that his parents have strived for was for the salvation of Craig’s soul. The knowledge that Craig is still a Christian assures his parents that, despite being economic failures, they have at least as far as being parents are concerned not completely messed up. Craig assures his brother that he simply doesn’t want to deny his parents that singular joy.

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