Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet Book 1 Characters

Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet Book 1 Character List

Black Panther

Needless to say, the protagonist and star of this entry in the ongoing saga of Black Panther is the superhero himself, T’Challa. After all, what would be the purpose of a Black Panther story without its Hamlet-esque tortured rule of Wakanda trying to deal simultaneously with interior insurrection and external enemies attempt to wield undo influence within his borders?


One of the interior problems facing Wakanda is an apparent evil influence gripping miners at Mena Ngai which has made them angry, violent, and suddenly equipped with glowing green demonic eyes. One suspects the influence of something besides the daily grind if mining and that suspicion proves correct the weirdness of the miners reflects the influence of Zenzi. She is also equipped with powers beyond the norm: an ability to use dark magic to make manifest into consciousness the repressed emotions within others.


Why would Zenzi be so interested in using her special empathic powers to bring force the suppressed rage of the miners? Surely, there must be another agency at work here helping to bring about this union. Tetu, a former student of the philosopher Changamire, has come into possession of something very significant in this circumstance which Zenzi notably lacks: a distinct political agenda. It is in his role as head of the Nigandan military might that Tetu dispatches Zenzi on her mission as nothing could suit his strategy with more perfect precision than a nicely timed bit of anarchy courtesy of rioting miners.


Shuri is T’Challa’s younger sister and a one-time queen. It is her death, however, which calls Black Panther back to his rightful place as ruler. However, Shuri’s position within the realm of mortality is really a bit more complicated than a mere line separation the living and the dead. Resurrection of his sister is possible for the Panther and so resurrected Shuri shall be.

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