

Diego Mariano (Ku Aquino) is the caretaker of the land surrounding a forest sanctuary. He is the father of 14-year-old Maya (Mary Joy Apostol), whose mother died in childbirth. Maya wants to explore the land beyond the family's isolated shack. Diego wants his daughter to be self-sufficient, so he teaches her how to fire a gun. After failing her first shooting lessons, Maya wanders into the forest with her father's double-barreled shotgun and deliberately kills a Philippine eagle, an endangered animal.

Meanwhile, newly-recruited police officer Domingo (Arnold Reyes) goes to the area to investigate the mysterious disappearance of farmers en route to Manila on a bus, but is ordered to stop. Domingo's partner Mendoza (John Arcilla) and their commander De la Paz (Dido de la Paz) believe that Domingo should focus on finding the killer of the Philippine eagle instead.[4]

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