Binti Quotes


“My tribe is obsessed with innovation and technology, but it is small, private, and, as I said, we don’t like to leave Earth. We prefer to explore the universe by traveling inward, as opposed to outward.”


From the beginning, the protagonist hints that her people – the Himba – never leave their ancestral land and strictly maintain their culture. Therefore, it becomes a point of contention when Binti is accepted to join Oomza Uni located across the galaxy. Since the Himba only engage in their cultural practices, Binti’s decision to proceed with the admission is not approved by her family. This sets up the narrative for the main conflict that will haunt her journey through space while interacting with other tribes and species. The statement highlights the significance that the tribe places on their cultural practices including applying otijze on their bodies.

“It was cool in the terminal, but I felt the heat of social pressure.”


Cultural identity and sense of belonging are subjects touched on in the story, as the protagonist has to contend with these constructs. Once she boards the spaceship, Binti quickly notices that she is the odd one out as the rest of the occupants are primarily Khoush. Her predictions are also quickly proven right when she spots some of them gossiping and judging her. The statement illustrates the imagery of the pressure she feels from her future classmates even though her boarding should have been a momentous occasion. It further extends to the larger picture in the story as it showcases the prejudice against the Meduse species by humans.

“No matter what choice I made, I was never going to have a normal life, really. I looked around and immediately knew what to do next.”


Binti has the makings of a hero since she harbors apprehensions about her current life by envisioning something much bigger. Though her future is set up back home with prospects of marriage and a job at her father’s workshop, she wishes for more. The opportunity presents itself but not without anxieties about this huge leap, with only her gut to guide her decision. The quote encompasses the process of decision-making that she undergoes before making her final choice. The judgment call that she makes proves to be fitting with each development in her journey to the institution. The statement foreshadows the important role that she will play in changing the course of history.

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