Beartown Summary

Beartown Summary

Everything and everyone in Beartown is tightly-knit in a web of circumstances that will unfold as the plot ensues. In this little town where barely anything happens, things will surface that will threaten the peace and stability that has existed for a long time.

Beartown, a remote town in rural Sweden, lives Peter Anderson. He is the manager of an ice hockey club and in his youth was a high school hockey star. Due to severe injuries, he was unable to play professionally. Peter is married to Kira, a lawyer, and together they live with their two children; Maya and Leo.

Living in Beartown also is Amat, a poor teenager passionate about hockey. He immigrated to Sweden with his mother, who also works for the hockey club. Amat is extremely skilled in hockey, which puts him on the radar of Sune, a hockey coach. He heads a high-level team of hockey players in Beartown.

The hockey star of the team is Kevin Erdahl who has been the star player since childhood. The club has high expectations from him and has invested heavily to ensure that he succeeds more than the other players on the team.

As the team is preparing for a match, Amat is scouted and added to the team to give them a better chance of winning. The team wins the match based on Amat's newly indoctrinated skills. That night, Kevin hosts a party in celebration of the win at his parent's home. Many teenagers from Beartown are in attendance, and most of them are indulging in underage drinking and smoking. Kevin meets Maya, and they start kissing, which eventually leads to Kevin raping Maya.

Maya is distraught after the incident and is unable to keep it to herself any longer. She tells her parents, who are enraged and subsequently proceed to report the incident. Kevin is pulled from an upcoming game last minute, which causes the team to lose the match.

Kevin is not prosecuted due to a lack of evidence. Maya suffers greatly and is on the brink of collapse. She learns how to shoot a gun from Ana and steals a shotgun from Ana's home. Maya confronts Kevin and pulls the trigger of an unloaded gun. This instills so much fear into an already distraught Kevin. Maya leaves, resolving her trauma with the trauma he has now caused to Kevin by almost killing him. Ten years later, Kevin is happily married and Maya performs at a concert as a famous guitarist.

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