Bark: Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Bark: Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Zora’s stage personality

Zora’s strange personality represents the mother-son relationship, a strong bond that cannot easily be broken. When Ira dates Zora, she does not hide him from the truth that she has a grown-up son called Bruno. Bruno and his mother are very close, and this makes Ira uncomfortable.

The blindness of love

Ira has just divorced his wife, and he thinks that he can move on without a woman in his life. However, the first time he meets Zora, he feels a strong attachment. However, Zora showed a strange personality, but Ira did not mind because love blinded him. Later, Ira realized that Zora was more attached to his son, and he broke up with her.

The ghost

In "The Juniper Tree,' a ghost symbolizes emotional attachment. After Robin's death, her friends do not believe that she is gone for good because they speak about her as if she is alive. When they arrive at Robin's place, she appears in the form of a ghost to console them and reassure them that she will be in their minds forever despite her departure.


Unfaithfulness in marriage is epitomized by the relationship between Kit and her husband in the story ‘Paper Losses.’ Kit starts suspecting that there is emotional distance between her and her husband when he starts staying away from home. Towards the end of the story, Kit is shocked to confirm that her husband is cheating on her.

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