At the Full and Change of the Moon Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Brand emphasize Marie Ursule's hopelessness?

    In the first chapter of the novel, Brand emphasizes Marie Ursule's lack of hope. Significantly, this is emphasized by her desire to end her own life, and her planning of mass suicide. The brand also depicts Marie Ursule's hopelessness by describing her as being despondent and "heavy," especially in her physical movements.

  2. 2

    How does Brand use nature to reflect the emotions of her characters?

    Brand often uses pathetic fallacy in order to emphasize the mood or emotional states of her characters. When telling Marie Ursule's story, Brand often describes her surroundings as being despondent or violent. For example:

    "The air resembled blood gone bad."

  3. 3

    What does Brand suggest about trauma in this novel?

    In this novel, Brand explores the nature of trauma, and how it affects not only the person who directly experiences it but also the people related to them. For example, Marie Ursule's experience of slavery and her act of protest continue to affect her ancestors further down the line. In particular, Marie Ursule's trauma affects her own daughter, who must live with the knowledge of how much her mother suffered.

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