Artemis Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Artemis Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Jazz symbolizes how poverty and desperation can influence a person's behavior. Working as a porter, she barely makes enough money to make ends meet. As a result, she is driven to get involved with criminal activity.


Scientific terms and explanations are a key motif in the book, informed by Weir's scientific background. Many of the scientific concepts in Artemis are explained in detail - for example, the process of aluminum production.


Artemis symbolizes the progression of technology, to the point where a city has been established on the moon. At the same time, the city also represents some of the more corrupted aspects of human nature.

Jazz and Kelvin

Jazz and Kevlin's relationship ultimately symbolizes the value of friendship. They have an admirable connection and friendship, which is a heartwarming aspect of the text.

Trond Landvik

Trond symbolizes the rich people of Artemis. His affluent life is worlds away from the life of Jazz, who struggles to make ends meet.

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