An Unlikely Journey: Waking Up From My American Dream Irony

An Unlikely Journey: Waking Up From My American Dream Irony

Situational Irony: Julian Castro

Julian Castro, who was born into abject poverty with very few connections available to him, rose to a high-ranking cabinet-level position in the Obama administration.

Situational Irony: Stanford and Harvard

Few people who are born into abject poverty and whose parents were unmarried are successful. Castro and his brother proved the opposite: the two attended Stanford and Harvard, two very prestigious schools and became very successful.

Dramatic Irony: Castro's Success

When Castro describes his early life, readers know the profound success he will have later on in his life but Castro certainly doesn't know - or think - he will be a success.

Dramatic Irony: Castro's 2020 Presidential Run

Readers know that Castro's 2020 Presidential Run failed, but he did not know this.

Situational Irony: Castro

Throughout the entire history of the United States, no Latino candidate has made it as far in the Primary process as Castro. That's why his success was so unexpected.

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