An Unlikely Journey: Waking Up From My American Dream Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What fallacy does Trump exploit to undermine Mexican Americans during campaigns?

    Castro writes, “But Trump hit the established world of American politics like a rogue wave, obliterating almost all political precedent. He’d begun his campaign by suggesting that most undocumented Mexican immigrants were rapists and murderers, then later accused an American-born federal judge was presiding over fraud claims against Trump University of being unable to do his job because of his Mexican heritage.”

    Trump applies a hasty generalization to portray all Mexicans as immoral people and criminals. His rhetoric fuels the anti-Mexican stereotypes and an anti-Mexican rhetoric. Besides, Trump exploits a flawed ad hominem attack when discrediting the federal judge. In the attack he implies that a Mexican heritage makes one an ineffective judge.

  2. 2

    Expound the irony of Trump’s victory in 2016.

    Castro confesses, “I simply assumed that there was no way a person who had conducted himself as terribly as Trump had would have a real chance of winning…But as votes were tabulated from Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and other swing states, my nerves began to fray. Most were too close to call at first, but then Trump began winning in states he was expected to lose. By around ten that night, it was obvious that he had a real chance of winning the election.”

    Castro suggests that he had assumed that Trump would not appeal to many Americans due to his controversial rhetoric that incorporated racist and sexist attacks. Ironically, he triumphs in the least expected states. Evidently, the voters were not bothered by his rhetoric as Castro had assumed. Trump’s ironic triumph underscores the intricacy and unpredictability of the game of politics whose end pre-election polls cannot accurately predict.

  3. 3

    How does Castro argue against Trump’s administration?

    Castro writes, “Since the election, I’ve been incredibly proud of how people have shown resistance to the new administration, whether it be the travel ban targeting Muslims, the corruption defining this administration, or the tax cuts benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else."

    Castro's membership in the Democratic Party influences his adverse assessment of Trump administration. He highlights the failures of the administration that he considers a subversion of the American ideal. He commended Americans’ resistance towards Trump’s administration because he feels that the administration’s policies are antithetical to American ethos.

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