Amy Lowell: Poems Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Amy Lowell: Poems Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Golden hoofs

In the poem entitled "Night Clouds’’, the author mentions that the horses have gold hoofs. Gold is used in many places in literature as a symbol for prosperity or even to suggest that some character is a royalty. Thus, by mentioning that the mars have gold hoofs, he transmits the idea that the mares are superior and thus the golden hoofs are used here as a symbol for their superiority.

Dead vegetation

In the poem entitled "November’’, the author talks about the dead vegetation that exists all around her an influences her in a negative way. It is implied that the vegetation is what stops the author from being productive so the dead vegetation is used here for all the things that influenced her in a negative way and made her unable to write.


In the poem entitled "Patterns’’ the narrator talks how she feels constricted by the clothes which are made out of brocade to the point where she feels the need to cry. The brocade is used here as a symbol for oppression and restrain since it is usually a thick fabric that it makes it hard for people to walk freely while wearing it.

The penny

In the poem "A Lady’’, the narrator talks about a penny she threw in front of the lady to make her feel better and laugh. The penny is used here as a symbol for the efforts made by the narrator to make the lady feel happy and to entertain her.

The tree

In the poem "Patterns’’, the narrator talks about the tree under which she was supposed to get married and under which she found that the man she was supposed to spend her life with died. The tree is used here as a symbol for the promise between the narrator and her lover and thus when the narrator promised to visit the trees every year she promises to never forget the promise she had made to her lover.

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