Amnesia Irony

Amnesia Irony

An excuse for love

Felix believed that his and Claire’s marriage was flawless. She was “commonly regarded as a perfect mother” while he was known “to have been unfaithful or at least to have attempted it.” The only one thing that darkened their peaceful existence was “debts.” Felix became unemployable and probably for the very first time in her life Claire got scared. They got a line of credit for $50,000 and every time Felix “acted” like himself “she hated it.” The most surprising thing was that she had loved him “for those qualities before.” The irony is that it is easy to love someone when life is good, but it is really hard to love in times of hardship.


Felix had never even tried to discuss touchy subjects with his old friend, Woody. His personal history “resided in the world” of “it is said.” It is said that he was “a stellar student at Melbourne high.” It is said he had wanted to be “a literature professor.” They say he had no choice “but pick his father’s revolver.” It is said that he “continued that habit long after he employed others to collect his rents.”Felix knows this “last one” is absolutely “true.” Woody is a dangerous man, though Felix doesn’t like thinking about it. The irony was that they would hardly be friends if he knew real Woody.

The illusion

Woody wanted Felix to work on Angel’s case. He needed a book, a real story. It would be “exclusive,” the defendant wouldn’t talk to anyone but Felix. Woody was “grinning like a wide-mouthed frog.” “Book,” he said. “Big advance. You can lose your court appeal and pay your damages.” The only condition was that the contact had to be signed up right then. He didn’t give Felix a moment to consider his options. “But if you don’t want the job,” Woody said, “just say so.” The irony is that Woody wouldn’t take no for an answer.

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