
Alive Analysis

This novel is a compelling read about human survival in times of adversity. After suffering a plane crash over the Andes Mountains, the survivors are faced with a dire situation, with no food and extreme weather conditions. One of the most remarkable aspects of this text is the skill of the group in surviving. The survivors manage to keep going despite all odds and are depicted as being admirable in their resilience. Some characters heal others, drawing on skills they didn't know they had. Others take part in a long walk to find help, despite weakness, injury and hunger.

In a shocking section of the novel, the group resort to eating the dead in order to survive. As such, this novel is about the fact these people were forced to do the unthinkable in order to survive, and details how much resilience and strength it took to do so. Overall, this novel is about the endurance, and the strong human desire to live. It questions how far we would go in order to survive.

This novel is also about religious faith. Despite extreme adversity and suffering, the characters admirably keep their faith in God and religion.

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