Akira (1988 Film) Quotes


Shut up! Don't order me around!


This is said whilst Tetsuo is beating another gang member to death. He says this to Kaneda because Kaneda tells Tetsuo to stop. This shows the dynamics between their relationship and how Tetsuo wants to move out of Kaneda’s shadow.

Kaneda, we're not back in school anymore. Ever since I was a kid, you've been telling me what to do. Always treating me like a kid. You made me look like a runt in front of the others.


This quote comes from Tetsuo and tells the viewer about their childhood. There are mixed feelings involved concerning who is the leader in the gang, and a feeling that Tetsuo just wants to be acknowledged.

He's not your friend, he's ours! If somebody's gonna kill him, it should be us!


This is a quote from Kaneda as he thinks that Tetsuo has gone mad. As he says, he feels obligated as Tetsuo’s friend to kill him and put him out of his misery. This line also includes a hint of vengeance since a friend of Kaneda was killed.

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