A Serious Man Literary Elements

A Serious Man Literary Elements


Joel and Ethan Coen

Leading Actors/Actresses

Michael Stuhlbarg

Supporting Actors/Actresses

Richard Kind, Fred Melamed, Sari Lennick, Aaron Wolff, Jessica McManus, and Peter Breitmayer


Black Comedy/Drama


Primarily English with small bits of Hebrew and Yiddish


Nominated for the Academy Awards for Best Film and Best Original Screenplay

Date of Release

October 2th, 2009


Joel Coen and Ethan Coen

Setting and Context

The prologue takes place in a 19th-century Eastern European Shtetl. The rest of the film takes place in 1967 in St. Louis Park, Minnesota.

Narrator and Point of View

Larry Gopnik

Tone and Mood

Genial, Funny, Triumphant, Suspicious/Paranoid, High-Energy, and Sad/Solemn

Protagonist and Antagonist

Larry Gopnik is the protagonist; there are a number of possible antagonists (since some audience members may think God is the antagonist, others may think Larry's son is the antagonist, etc.).

Major Conflict

Larry's struggle to repair his professional life and reinvigorate and fix his personal life while he deals with questions of faith.


When Larry gives in and changes his student's grade from an F to a C.


Larry finally giving in and changing the grade from an F to a C is foreshadowed by an ongoing set of attempts present in the film.


The transformative effect of the Jewish religion is understated.

Innovations in Filming or Lighting or Camera Techniques



The Coen's Burn After Reading (2008), the Jewish religion, the Bible, the history of the United States (1960's Minnesota, preferably), F Troop (the 1965 TV Series), Fargo (the Coen's film and subsequent TV Series), and geography.


The 19th-century set prologue of the film occupies a fair amount of screen time but is only ever mentioned once.


The Book of Job.

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