A Raisin in the Sun (1961 Film) Irony

A Raisin in the Sun (1961 Film) Irony

Fifty Cents

Ruth tells her son that he cannot have the fifty cents that he needs for school that day. Ironically, when Walter gets out of the shower he tells him he can have it, overruling the decision she has already made.

The Insurance Money

Walter wants to invest his father's insurance money into a bar. Ironically, his mother says that she will not allow him to invest her husband's money into booze. His dreams are taken away before he even has a chance to tell her about it.

Money is Life

Walter is arguing with his mother about what to do with the money. He tells her that money is life to him. Ironically, his mother tells him that money is not life for her. Freedom is life and that is all her and her husband have every sought to provide for their children.

Waitin' for you to Stand Up

Ruth tells Walter Lee that she is pregnant with their next child, and that she's put a down payment on an abortion. He stands without saying anything and his mother tells him she's waiting for him to stand up and be a man just like his father. Ironically, he does not stand up and say anything and he allows the moment to pass.

Selling Himself

George's father is a businessman and Walter Lee would like to talk to him. But, ironically, Walter Lee insults George the entire time he is there and he wants nothing to do with Walter by the time he leaves.

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