A Man Called Horse Quotes


When his head cleared, he was angry, although anger was an emotion he knew he could not afford.


When Horse got into the camp of Crows he lived like a dog, literally. There was even an accident when he had to fight with dogs for a piece of meat. And all this made him angry, though he understood that this emotion would bring no good. So he decided to become docile, like a horse, because it is obedience, not anger that would help him to gain some respect and position in this savage society.

Even a horse might try to find shelter from the wind.


It does no matter who you are, or what you are – a person or an animal, because very living being has certain needs, and the most common of this is need of warmth.

“You are my treasure,” he said, “more precious than jewels, better than fine gold. I am going to call you Freedom.”


After having killed a hostile Indian Horse brought two horses, thus having gained the respect of Crows. He has done it all because he fell in love with Pretty Calf, and understood if he had gained her, he would have gained freedom in the camp. He calls her his Freedom, which is a thing that he started to treasure most of all.

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