A Grain of Wheat

A Grain of Wheat Irony

Mugo's Heroism (Situational Irony)

It is ironic that Mugo becomes a hero to the villagers and is asked to speak about Kihika at Uhuru when he is the man who betrayed the great hero. The line "By refusing to lead, Mugo had become a legendary hero" (171) exemplifies this irony.

Healing through Betrayal (Situational Irony)

It is ironic that it takes a confession of an individual act of betrayal (Mugo's) to bring about a modicum of healing for the community.

Superficial Independence (Dramatic Irony)

There is deep-rooted irony in the fact that Kenya after Uhuru will not be changed in a meaningful way because of the pervasiveness of European colonialism and capitalism that have rendered many of its people materialistic and individualistic at the expense of their community.

Thompson's Ideas (Situational Irony)

There is great irony in Thompson's ideas and writings about the Africans being evil, savage, and morally ruined, because the whiteman is perhaps the best exemplar of those things.