A Cyborg Manifesto

Publication history

Haraway began writing the "Manifesto" in 1983 to address the Socialist Review request for American socialist feminists to ponder over the future of socialist feminism in the context of the early Reagan era and the decline of leftist politics. The first versions of the essay had a strong socialist and European connection that the Socialist Review East Coast Collective found too controversial to publish. The Berkeley Socialist Review Collective published the essay in 1985 under the editor Jeff Escoffier.[3] The essay was most widely read as part of Haraway's 1991 book Simians, Cyborgs and Women.[27] In 2006, a variorum edition of the Manifesto was published in The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments[28] integrating variations from the various versions and returning references and some of the scholarly apparatus that had become separated from the text.

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