A Cop's Life: True Stories from the Heart Behind the Badge Literary Elements

A Cop's Life: True Stories from the Heart Behind the Badge Literary Elements



Setting and Context

Set in 2001, written in the context of the experiences of the law enforcement officers.

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Traumatizing, terrifying, optimistic, informative

Protagonist and Antagonist

The stories’ protagonist is the narrator.

Major Conflict

The main conflict is that tourists do not visit the grimmer parts of Las Vegas because of insecurity. The narrator’s workmate committed suicide because of the pressure of working in the grimmer sides of Las Vegas.


The climax comes when the narrator gets out of depression and trauma by talking about his horrifying experiences as a cop. The narrator advises fellow cops to talk about their problems to avoid incidences such as suicides, depression and trauma at workplaces.


The work pressure and performance demands foreshadowed the narrator’s habit of drinking, smoking and depression.


The work of a cop is often understated. According to the narrator, cops work under tough conditions that require performance outcomes. For instance, the narrator explains that working in grimmer parts of Los Angeles comes with pressure. For instance, the place is invaded by drug warlords, criminals, and drug addicts, making the life of a policeman hard.


The story alludes to the challenges cops go through while in the line of duty.


The author uses sight imagery to describe the grimy parts of Las Vegas. For instance, the narrator aids readers to comprehend why tourists do not visit such places due to insecurity. Additionally, the narrator describes the life of cops and the challenges they go through. Therefore, the reader can see vividly why some cops commit suicide when depressed.


The main paradox is that a woman walks into a police station to bail out her abusive boyfriend. The woman is injured, and her eyes are blackening in color. The boyfriend had earlier slapped her. Therefore, the reader finds it satirical that the woman is entertaining and encouraging gender-based violence by being on the oppressor's side.


There is parallelism between the actual life of a cop and the societal expectations of cops.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



The grimy party of Las Vegas is embodied as traumatizing.

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