A Cop's Life: True Stories from the Heart Behind the Badge Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What motivates Randy Sutton to write the autobiography A Cop's Life: True Stories from the Heart Behind the Badge?

    The entire book talks about the episodes Randy comes across while doing his job. The reader realizes that the main reason why Randy is writing this autobiography is to narrate the specific occurrences that have shaped his life to be who he is today. Randy is a law enforcement officer and he re-counts how criminals and drug dealers control Las Vegas. At some point, he says that he is forced to use his gun to control the smugglers. More importantly, Randy explains how dealing with criminals in different neighborhoods has influenced his life. For instance, his work has greatly contributed to his failed relationships.

  2. 2

    What is the main theme in Randy’s autobiography?

    Trauma emerges as the main theme in Randy’s autobiography. The entire narration is about how the events of his work have contributed to his current state. The reader realizes that Randy is not a happy man because he is recounting the occurrences that have made him unlucky in life. While working in Las Vegas, his work is traumatizing because he always deals with hard criminals dealing in drugs. He also witnesses one of his friends committing suicide because of the job pressure. Therefore, the whole narration has focused on the unfortunate events that have negatively impacted on Randy’s life.

  3. 3

    How does Randy deal with his misfortunes in life?

    Randy is not a happy man because he speaks why his life is a total mess. For instance, he is unstable because none of his relationships is working. His job is too demanding and it cannot give him a chance to maintain a healthy relationship. He is called to work during odd hours and this denies him an opportunity to enjoy his private life. Therefore, it common for Randy to get depressed, and to get out of this situation, he has become an alcoholic. However, too much drinking of alcohol just offers a temporary solution to his problems.

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