Zombieland (2009 Film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Zombieland (2009 Film) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Rules of Survival

For survival purposes, Columbus resorts to creating rules that enable him to navigate the zombie apocalypse with ease. This fixation with rules is partially due to his neurosis and phobias even before the world became zombie-infested. Thus, the rules symbolize his character and approach towards continued existence that is more about safety and caution in order to stay alive. They demonstrate that the zombies are now the force that dictates natural selection and only a few can survive it.


For Columbus, it is the survival rules, while for Tallahassee, it is his pursuit for Twinkies throughout the film. The famous myth about the American sponge cake – that it has an extraordinarily long shelf life – is technically the reason for his quest. Accordingly, Twinkie act as a symbol for the remaining beauty and innocence in the world amid the ruin that humanity has faced since the zombie epidemic. The endurance of the characters is akin to the myth behind Twinkies that they can preserve their value past their expiration date.

City Names

All the survivors of the epidemic never use or reveal their real names – except for Wichita later on – rather they have adopted city names. The adoption of these names aims to show the detached attitude that the characters have had to assume in the new world. Most do not wish to reveal their past lives or traumas to avoid getting attached to new people whom they might also soon lose. Therefore, the name symbolizes the masked insecurities, fears, and anxieties of having personal connections.

Amusement Park

The climax of the film takes place at the Pacific Playland amusement park where the survivors fight off a horde of zombies. Amusement parks are synonymous with fun which is quite the opposite of the experience the team has while in it. It symbolizes the lighthearted outlook that the four characters have adopted in this post-apocalyptic world. Furthermore, it is revealed that Columbus is afraid of clowns and later encounters a zombie clown at the park. This moment becomes his ‘Achilles’ heel’ as he has to conquer his deep fears and also a potential death from the zombie attack.

Bill Murray

The cameo appearance by the actor as himself is a memorable scene in the film that has several layers to it. The premise of the film is integrally meta, even referencing other films and mediums that share this same genre. Thus, the actor is a comedic actor in such films as Ghostbusters – which they reference and also watch – symbolizes the tone of the film.

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