Zlata's Diary Characters

Zlata's Diary Character List

Zlata Fikipovic

An pre-teen of impressive intelligence. She isn't just book smart though, she also enjoys friendships and culture. Unfortunately, her life is turned over by war, and when it becomes to late to flee, they are trapped. When the fighting starts, they have to be with the rats in the cellar, and eventually, life begins to get increasingly more difficult, until eventually, Zlata and her family are forced into survival mode by war.


Zlata's father is a resourceful man who is willing to sacrifice for his family. This is especially helpful as the war goes on, because whenever a sacrifice of bravery could help his family, he does what it wakes. He often works very hard to obtain water and food for his family, often risking his life to do so.


When the father works so hard he gets a hernia, the mother has to take on the additional tasks of obtaining food and water. She and Zlata's father are forced to make difficult choices to survive. In the cold of winter, they will freeze and die without firewood, but since it isn't safe to obtain it, the parents sacrifice their cherished furniture. The mother is absolutely dedicated to protecting Zlata and seeing them survive the war.

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