Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus Themes

Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus Themes

Christmas day

Christmas day is at the center stage of Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus. Santa Claus is a dominant figure every Christmas all over the world. The most important day for children is Christmas because they enjoy seeing a fat man wearing a red suit, a red cap with a white strip, and reindeer. Santa Claus' sack is always full of gifts for children, making Christmas a special day. Consequently, Christmas day is about celebrating and allowing children to satisfy their curiosity.

Love and generosity

Santa Claus is a symbol of love and generosity, which forms a vital theme in the book. On Christmas day, Claus gifts children and shows them love and the significance of giving. The important gift to a child is to teach him to love, care for others and be happy. According to the Church's response to O'Hanlon's letter about Claus's existence, he symbolizes love, kindness, and affection.

Children’s skepticism, inquisitiveness and suspicion

The primary theme in the editorial is children's skepticism. As children pass through different stages, they are suspicious, inquisitive, and skeptical. While in school, O'Hanlon hears her fellow children arguing that Santa does not exist. O'Hanlon, 8 years old, asks her father if Santa Claus exists. The father gives her daughter an answer that could be more satisfactory. O'Hanlon decides to write to the “Sun " newspaper to get different opinions about her questions. After several years, O'Hanlon gets an answer from Church through the newspaper confirming that Santa Claus is real and he exists during Christmas. Therefore, O'Hanlon's suspicion about the existence of Santa Claus forms the theme of children's skepticism because they want to know the reality and everything that happens around them.

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