Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Flying Robot

The narrator opens his tale by saying that he is Johnny Sokko, a gigantic flying robot in a famous movie. The flying robot symbolizes the narrator’s childhood aspirations and wishes. Despite being a robot, Johnny Sokko was the narrator’s role model and he hoped that when he grew up, he would be strong. The author uses this symbolism to illustrate the significance of having a role model in life to inspire and motivate the growing generation. The narrator says, “I remember when I was a Johnny Sokko. Johnny Sokko was the Asian boy who shared title billing with his Giant Flying Robot on old-black-and-white television series.”

Model cars

The model cars are a symbol of the narrator’s tastes and preferences. The narrator is determined to find his purpose in life. While growing up, the narrator built model exclusive cars which later became a hobby and symbol of motivation. The author emphasizes the significance of nurturing talent and hobbies. More importantly, the reader learns about the narrator’s tastes and preferences. For instance, he does not just build any cars, but exclusive model cars showing his unique taste and preferences. The narrator says, “My hobbies were building model cars from kits, the type you glued piece by piece painstakingly, not the type that could be snapped together, and collecting baseball cards, which came in those wax packages with their cardboard-like chewing gum.”

Gargoyle gang

Insecurity is symbolized by the Gargoyle gang, which disrupts creativity. The most educated scientist in charge of creating man-like robots is kidnapped by the gang and he disappears. People are frightened because their security is compromised. The gang is dangerous because it also kills those victims who fail to cooperate with them and agree to their demands. When the scientist tries to resist their demands, they kidnap him. The narrator writes, "While the bad guys collaborated in nefarious plans, having kidnapped the scientist who designed the towering robot, Johnny chanced upon this creation that became his companion.”

Racist ideologies

Readers note that the narrator embodies racist ideologies against Asians. The origin of the narrator is not identified in the text, but the reader concludes that he is from a white society. Consequently, the narrator's dislike towards the Asians is evident from his descriptions concerning their eyes and noses.

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