Year of Impossible Goodbyes Metaphors and Similes

Year of Impossible Goodbyes Metaphors and Similes

Koreans like Mice

Aunt Tiger says that the Koreans are “like mice trapped in a dungeon of wildcats.” Her observation is that the Japanese are fierce and deadly, and just like cats like to play with their prey. Accordingly, she sees no way to escape the oppression.

Korea like a Shrimp

Sookan’s grandfather says that Korea is “a little shrimp caught in a struggle between giants.” The giants are China, Japan, and Russia, while Korea sits helplessly in the middle, unable to defend its territory because of the smaller geographical size and its smaller population.

Students like Soldiers

At the Japanese school, the students have to wear gray hats, which Sookan notes made them “look like soldiers.” This detail emphasizes the Japanese militarism and their effort to convert the Koreans to become fighters against the Americans.

Americans as White Devils

The Japanese always refer to the Americans as “White Devils,” thus painting an image of a cruel and heartless creature from hell to increase the willingness of the Koreans to support the Japanese.

Unhi like a Dying Old Woman

After the Japanese are defeated, Unhi learns that both her brothers have died. At the funeral, she wears a dull burlap outfit, which according to Sookan “made her look like a dying old woman.” This simile illustrates that Unhi seems to have lost her will to live, and how her sorrow transformed her from a lively young girl to a lethargic being.

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