Wonderstruck Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Wonderstruck Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The stars

In Wonderstruck, stars symbolize the characters' longing for answers and direction in their lives. They might look to the stars for guidance on their journeys, making stars a symbol of their quest for understanding.

Silent movies

Rose's fascination with silent films is an allegory for communication beyond the barriers of sound. It signifies how Rose navigates her world without sound, just like silent films convey stories and emotions without dialogue. It also underscores the importance of non-verbal communication, a key aspect of Rose's experience as a deaf person.

The novel's title

The term "wonderstruck" recurs throughout the novel, often in the context of the characters' reactions to new discoveries. As a motif, it emphasizes the theme of awe and wonder in the face of the unknown and underscores the profound impact of their personal journeys on Ben and Rose.

The locket

The locket that Ben finds serves as a tangible link to his mother. As a symbol, it represents his longing to know more about her and his past. The locket carries the weight of his unanswered questions and his hopes for finding a sense of identity and belonging.

The meteor

The meteor Ben's mother loved is an allegory for the unpredictable and impactful events that can shape our lives. Just as a meteor leaves a mark on the earth, the novel's events significantly impact Ben and Rose's lives.

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