Wonderland Summary

Wonderland Summary

Wonderland (1999) is a play written by Chay Yew. The protagonist in the play is Man, who is an Asian-American businessman. Man is doing good in his business in Singapore. One day he meets a woman, and begins an affair with her. They realize that they want to live together, finally they move to Malibu together.

After some time, Son appears in the story. By profession, Son's father Man is an architect, and his peculiarity is to make the fashionable strip mall, which is called Wonderland. The strip mall goes well but, it is shut down after some time. One day Son's parents forgo him because of his homosexuality.

Son starts working in porn for his sake, before getting back his sense of self. His last hope of his life is also shattered because his boyfriend is married with someone else.

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