Wolf Pack Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Wolf Pack Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Doctor Edward Monk explains that although environmentalists consider fire an enemy, fire contributes to the renewal of ecosystems. Fire is symbolic of renewal and rejuvenation. Forests and grasslands grow after each fire season. The ash which remains after the burning adds nutrients to the soil. The nutrients are imperative for the regeneration process. Fires aid in the clearing of vegetation, which creates room for sunlight to reach the forest floor. Consequently, new vegetation remerges due to the presence of abundant sunlight. The doctor provides an example of new growth and lives that emerged after wildfires destroyed Redstone Forest.


The four werewolves are symbols of shape-shifting. Doctor Edward Monk and his crew witness the shapeshifting: "In the distance, four kids, almost adults really, were stripping out of their clothes, and then—it was almost too incredible to believe-began transforming themselves into wolves." The shapeshifting is recorded on camera. The werewolves can exist as humans and wolves, two different genera. As wolves, they prefer running in the forest because it is the natural habitat for wild animals. As humans, they engage in ordinary activities such as going to school. Biologists would dispute the reality of shapeshifting, considering the rigid mutually-exclusive classification systems applied when classifying living organisms.

The Gray Wolf

The gray wolf returns to the ravaging fires to rescue another cub. Unfortunately, he does not return. The wolf is symbolic of the maternal instinct that elicits unconditional love. She is driven by the instinct to rescue all her remaining cubs, even if it means dying in the fires. The wolf aims to rescue her cubs. She does not have time for attacking or listening to Garret. When Garrett commands her not to go into the far, the wolf disobeys him because she is thinking about her cubs that could perish in the fire should they not be rescued in time. Belkom remarks, “But the wolf was already on the move, charging back into the forest and disappearing behind the wall of flame.” The wolf’s uncanny behavior encourages Barrett to find out what she had hidden in a hole. As a result of the wolf’s motherly and courageous behavior, her four surviving cubs end up in good hands.

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