Wolf by Wolf Irony

Wolf by Wolf Irony

Experiment 85

Experiment 85 is the book's take on the horrific actual scientific experimentation perpetrated by the Nazis on unwilling participants. This particular deep dive into perverse genetic manipulation carries a profound irony, however. The purpose of Experiment 85 is to change the physical appearance of non-Aryans so that they have the pale complexion, blonde hair, and blue eyes of the so-called Master Race. Changing appearance to look like an Aryan ostensibly makes one indistinguishable from one actually born Aryan, thus ironically dismissing any actual existence of racial divergence as sheer delusion.

The Perfect Assassin

The centerpiece of the plot is an attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler by someone who has undergone Experiment 85 with unforeseen elements of extreme genetic mutation. The protagonist comes out of the experimentation with the ability to "skinshift" that allows her to become a double of a celebrated Nazi sports heroine. Ironically, the Nazi scientists themselves are responsible for creating the assassin who sets her sights on killing the Führer they so pathetically worship.

The Loner

The premise of the novel is that the fascist powers won World War II and control much of the land stretching from Europe to Asia. In the ten years since victory was declared Adolf Hitler has managed to survive forty-nine assassination attempts. This has resulted in the most powerful man on earth being unable to appear in public except at the beginning and end of the Axis Tour cross-continent motorcycle race. Hitler's accumulation of power has left him little more than a disembodied voice to most people who cares not show his face in public.

Dancing with Hitler

The fiftieth attempt to assassinate Hitler will take advantage of one of those two times each year that Hitler makes a public appearance. The Axis Tour bike race ends with a celebration. The plan is for Yael to take advantage of one particular aspect of this celebration to get close enough to him to do the deed. Considering he is the ultimate iconic figure of unimaginable evil, there is a certain absurd irony to the idea of killing Hitler while he dances.


The climax of the story turns out to be the ultimate irony of the entire story. The plot to assassinate Hitler takes an unexpected turn marked by the irony. The assassin comes to learn that she is not the one and only "skinshifter" in the world as she assumed in a shocking final twist.

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