Winter's Tales Imagery

Winter's Tales Imagery

Danish landscape

Danish landscape, Danish culture is in the background of the most of these stories. In the "Sorrow's Acre" particularly, writer pays a lot of attention in describing it. The Danish landscape is silent and serene, mysterious before sunrise; the sky is cloudless along with pearly fields, hills and woods. The Danish country is described as breathing a timeless life, unwatched and untouched by men, showing its full morning glory. The fragrance of lime trees is also mentioned, like an airy message through the morning garden. This descriptive portrayal of the beauty of the landscape is in contrast with the cruelty of the events happening in the story.


After a climactic revelation of the truth behind the story in "The Invincible Slave-owners" our main character admires the waterfall nearby. The writer often puts nature in contrast with the important events concerning the character in these stories. Such is the waterfall, with its clear stream among the moss and stones, which keeps its outline unchanged and it will remain unchanged in years to come. Our observer wonders if this could also relate to the nature of humans, is some things remain unchanged, with repeating patterns just like this waterfall.

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