Wings of Desire Irony

Wings of Desire Irony


Men begin to scream at the angel as he walks by. He believes they can see him, but ironically they are not yelling at him, but at someone else. It is a moment that he almost feels he belongs to humanity.

Turn it Around

There is a man on the subway who is thinking to himself that he will never be able to change himself ever. Ironically, with one touch from the angel he begins to find hope and speak in faith about who he is and can become and his depression is lifted.


The angels are a part of humanity and record the events of each day. But, ironically though they are living beside humans every day they cannot take part in living the same life nor experiencing life with them.


Cassiel is able to help many people just by placing his hands upon them to change their thoughts. Ironically, he cannot help a young man who has decided to commit suicide and even laying his hands on him has no effect on the man.

Feeling of Well-Being

While out at a night club Marion dances yet still feels this incredible sense of loneliness, and Damiel--still in his angelic form--grabs her hand and gives her a feeling of well-being. It is ironic as the only desire he has is to dance with her through life, yet all he can do is provide enough hope for her to endure the moment and know there is more.

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