Whores for Gloria Quotes


“For we all must build our worlds around us, bravely or dreamily, as long as we can we shelter ourselves from the rain, walling ourselves in gorgeously.”


As a victim of post-trauma and isolation Jimmy addresses his psychic torment by engaging his delusions. His delusions centered on the imaginary woman Gloria, he delves into the world of fornication with multiple prostitutes. The assertion is Jimmy’s way of coping with his loneliness and desires which is essentially a means of most in trying to confine themselves in their delusions. Though fostering his delusions seems unhealthy, it practically becomes worthwhile in assisting him to deal with his trauma.

“Jimmy decided to get drunk—not just drunk enough to enjoy life…no, he wanted to be drunk enough to scientifically establish the existence of the whores that he could see all around him.”


A bulk of the narrative is fueled by Jimmy’s delusions whilst getting through life having drinking benders and transactional sex. He is also aware that he is losing himself in the escapades and tries to engage with the prostitutes to find true passion and purpose. The uncertainty of his reality prompts him to seek measures in ensuring he is engaging in real-life conversations which then fuel his delusions. Thus, the statement establishes his ritual in ascertaining the existence of the actual people he is engaging with.

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