When He Was Wicked Summary

When He Was Wicked Summary

The book begins with Michael Stirling admiring his cousin, John’s, wife, Francesca Bridgeton, as he is shown to be in love with her. However, she sees him as nothing more than a relative, making him feel both jealous of John and sad that he cannot be with Francesca.

However, John soon falls ill and dies, leaving Francesca devastated. Unable to bear this himself, Michael flees to India where he stays for many years. The story then jumps to four years later with Michael finally returning to assume is position as the new Earl of Kilmartin.

Upon his return, he and Francesca reignite their friendship, but he is sad to realize that he is still in love with her, feeling guilty about this because of John. Nonetheless, the two bond and discuss Francesca’s skills in managing the estate whilst he was on his travels. At the same time, Francesca has revealed she is ready to remarry, which shocks Michael with jealousy and betrayal.

As they spend more time with the other, Francesca realizes that she too has feelings for him. When they act upon these feelings, Michael suggest they marry, but Francesca feels as though she cannot because the betrayal to John would be too much. Eventually, they realize that John loved them both and wanted both of them to find happiness. The two happily marry and have a child at the end of the book.

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