What's Eating Gilbert Grape (Novel) Literary Elements

What's Eating Gilbert Grape (Novel) Literary Elements



Setting and Context

The book is set in a small town called Endora in Iowa in a dysfunctional family.

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Gloomy, hopeless, pessimistic,

Protagonist and Antagonist

Gilbert is the protagonist of the story.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is that Gilbert and his family fear Arnie's survival, who doctors said wouldn't survive the past ten years. Consequently, besides taking care of the family, Gilbert is forced to take special care of his brother, who is mentally challenged.


The family celebrates Arnie’s 18th birthday. Despite the initial assumption that he could not attain ten, he surprises doctors when he attains 18 years.


Gilbert’s father hanging foreshadowed a difficult future for Gilbert and his siblings.


The nature of the cremation of Gilbert’s mother in the house is understated. Remember, building a new house is cheaper than using machines to lift the mother’s body into the ambulance.


The story alludes to the eldest children's responsibility in the family. For instance, Gilbert takes the mantle after his father dies, and he struggles throughout his life to providing for the family.


The description of Gilbert’s mother’s obese situation paints a vivid picture for readers to see how fat she is. Similarly, the author describes the basement where Gilbert’s father killed himself to enhance sight imagery.


The reader finds it satirical that the children are happy that their mother was able to climb up the stairs before she died. They decide to criminate her inside the house!


Gilbert’s struggle story parallels the challenges elder siblings go through while providing for their families.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The replacement of Arnie’s birthday cake reflects the number of times that Gilbert had to put up with his mentally challenged brother.



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