What the Dog Saw Themes

What the Dog Saw Themes

Female Healthcare

In "John Rock's Error," Gladwell tells the story and history of the female contraceptive pill and explores the life of its inventor John Rock. Rock had to juggle his religious faith with this contraceptive option, something that he faced backlash for throughout his life.

Gladwell also exposes the errors of the female contraceptive pill, especially the fact that women do not need to take a week break from their pill once a month. Writing about the week break, Gladwell says that "there was, and is, no medical reason for this."


In his essay "What the Dog Saw," Gladwell explores how receptive and sensitive dogs are to the body language of humans. He draws on anecdotes and studies to support this argument, showing how important it is to be aware of pets and how they respond to us.

Science and religion

Gladwell often explores the tension between science and religion in his articles. For example, in "John Rock's Error," he tells the story of the inventor of the contraceptive pill, who struggled to reconcile this scientific and medical advancement with his religious faith. Ultimately, Rock argued that it was a matter of conscience and morality to create something that would improve women's lives dramatically, all over the world.

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