W.H. Auden: Prose

W.H. Auden: Prose Analysis

Auden is a distinct voice of his age. His ideas are novel and discursive. His prose writings had helped his generation to find a way, new to them. He points out the nuances of literature at the same time provides sufficient scope to improve. He is like a passionate instructor, always in a mood of improvising, and his prose is a reflection of his attitude and ideals.

In "Making, Knowing and Judging", Auden ironically remarks about the contemporary critics. Criticism being the backbone of literature, should be instructive and illuminating. It should not act in consonant with the ruling elites. The work of criticism is meant for directing the public to the right direction. By right direction, the essayist means to make the reading public aware of the value of a literary work. As the professors of poetry or any other literary work, critics must be true to their work and stature. They are the guiding spirits of the generation.

Auden is a versatile writer. His topics touch different issues of his society. Such an issue is vibrant in his essay "The Poet & The City". Here the essayist discusses about the contemporary state of the youth. Youth is the future of any society. If they lack the urge to change, the generation may suffer the consequences. Auden wants transformation of their mindset and he is against their hedonistic pursuits. Youth should be more concerned about values. At his time, the younger generation took writing as a lucrative career instead of knowing the responsibilities. Auden remarks that they should be aware of the fact that a writer holds an important position in a society. They have the power to change the society. It is much more than the financial aspect behind any career.

While discussing about the detective stories in "The Guilty Vicarage", Auden says that this kind of writing is solely for entertainment purposes. It is not a work of art. Detective stories have a limited scope in a society. It became famous at Auden's time but the essayist is much concerned about its value. He personally reads the detective works. While reading he points out that those stories can impact a reader's mind for a short period of time. While an artistic work has the ability to transform a person. Hence its effect is durable and lasts for lifetime.

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