Wellmania Irony

Wellmania Irony

The paradox of the wellness industry

Most players in the wellness industry know that they are taking people for a ride because their primary intention is to make huge profits. The narrator finds it ironic that most entrepreneurs know they give bogus wellness products to unsuspecting clients. An expert in detoxification says, "There are two types of detox: one is respectable, and the other is not. The respectable one is the medical treatment of people with life-threatening drug addictions. The other one is the word being hijacked by entrepreneurs, quacks and charlatans to sell a bogus treatment that allegedly detoxifies your body of toxins you are supposed to have accumulated." Consequently, there is only one genuine way of getting proper detoxification: hospitalization. Most wellness industry players are only interested in making huge profits.

The irony of religion

The narrator notes that most religious organizations ask their congregants to fast to gain purity. Ironically, no scientific data support fasting as a way of becoming pure. The narrator asks, "Yet the science surrounding fasting is minimal. I wonder: is lack of science since fasting is free and cannot be monetized?" However, fasting is only a belief that the wellness industry has taken advantage of to dupe people into fasting to lose weight for them to claim that their products are working.

Situational irony

The clinician warns of the dire consequences when the narrator starts her controversial 101-day fasting exercise. However, the narrator intentionally disregards the advice and starts her fasting schedule. The narrator starts experiencing chest pains and general body weakness a few days into fasting. The clinician initially warned the narrator, but she ignored the advice, and now she suffers the consequences.

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