Weather Metaphors and Similes

Weather Metaphors and Similes

Lizzie's Dressing

Henry uses a simile to describe Lizzie's dressing style. He described it as, '... dressing like a little dun bird.' In this simile, Henry likened Lizzie's plain clothes to a dun bird.

Effects of Technology

Lizzie describes how technology affects her by using a simile. She described it as, '... feeling like a rat who can't stop pushing a lever.' The simile shows how addictive modern technology is to human beings.

Margot's Voice

Lizzie described Margot's voice using the simile, '... and her voice is like a sharp stick.' Lizzie therefore likened Margot's voice to a sharp stick because it was commanding.

Simile to describe spiders and birds

Lizzie, when teaching her son about the discovery of the New World, tells him about the spiders and birds that were found there. The colonists described them using the following similes, '... the colonists claimed that there were spiders as big as cats and birds as small as thimbles.' In the description, the colonists described the sizes of spiders and birds by likening them to the size of other animals.

human life

The kids that performed a song on stage used a simile to describe human life. They described it as, '... their lives are like a drop of water, no more in an endless sea.' This simile likens the life of a human being to a drop of water.

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