Weapons of Mass Delusion Themes

Weapons of Mass Delusion Themes


The January 6th insurrection is at the center of Weapons of Mass Delusion. Those who believed in—and carried out—the January 6th insurrection because they believed they were stopping President-elect Joe Biden from stealing an election victory from Donald Trump had every intention to carry out an insurrection and overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America. And despite being elected by their constituents, many people in Congress (and the Presidency) tried to overthrow the system which allowed them to be elected and in power. In many ways, the insurrection shaped the way that the public (but especially far-right Republicans) viewed America and its election process. It also caused tremendous division in the country and more specifically, among the Republican party.


Violence is common among the far-right Republicans who plan and carry out the January 6th insurrection. Those far-right Republicans caused the deaths of several Capitol police officers when they incited the insurrection and went into the U.S. Capitol. To get into the Capitol, they had to be exceptionally violent. They beat officers and other people protecting the building. They also attempted to find and attack certain members of Congress (all of whom are Democrats) who believed that Joe Biden had been duly elected, like Nancy Pelosi. Many of the people involved on January 6th, but especially those who led the movement, had violence on their minds. They hid guns across the Potomac River, near Washington D.C., in case their insurrection was successful. And if it was, they would use the guns to expel the current government and create a government of their own, shaped in their image.

The otherthrow of America's republic

At the end of the day, those who participated in the January 6th insurrection (and by proxy, those who believe in conspiracy theories surrounding things like elections and the COVID-19 vaccine), were trying to overthrow America's republic. They didn't like how the republic worked, in other words, and decided that they should be the ones to change it. In other words, they didn't like that Joe Biden was duly elected President and petulantly decided that they should fight against Biden's election. And in doing so, they wanted to change America and shape it into their image.

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