We Measure the Earth with Our Bodies Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

We Measure the Earth with Our Bodies Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The ancient statue "Ku"

"Ku" is a statute of a Nameless Saint that is a symbol of power and hope. When Samphel's uncle comes with "Ku" into the refugee camp, Lhamo becomes hopeful that the hidden power will help them rebuild their lives again. Lhamo's life was destroyed by the colonial conflict that killed her mother and other close relatives. According to the author, "Ku" reappears only when he knows people need him to help them overcome problems and have a stable life. While in Canada, Dolma comes across a private collector's vault in possession of "Ku," and she reminds herself that her society needs her at home to help them rebuild their lives.

Lhamo as a symbol of selflessness

The author uses the character Lhamo as a symbol of self-sacrifice for the sake of others. Lhamo and her sister find themselves in a refugee camp in Nepal after the death of their parents. Lhamo knows that she has the responsibility of taking care of her younger sister to ensure that she gets a better future. Therefore, Lhamo uses all her savings and resources to send her younger sister, Tenkyi, to study in India. Later, Tenkyi gets an opportunity to fly to Toronto in Canada. Later in life, Lhamo sacrifices everything she has to send her daughter, Dolma, to further her studies in Canada. While in Canada, Dolma lives with her Aunt Tenkyi.

Conflict as a symbol of instability

The author uses the Chinese invasion of Tibet as a symbol of the devastating effects of war. For instance, Lhamo and her sister lose their mother and other close relatives in the conflict. To make matters worse, the survivors are forced to flee their homes to become refugees. Life in a refugee camp is miserable because there are no opportunities or healthcare. Lhamo is forced to send her sister and daughter out of the refugee camp to look for greener pastures elsewhere.

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