We Are All Made of Molecules Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Stewart’s dad and Ashley’s mom become a couple after Stewart’s mom dies, but why is Ashley’s dad out of the picture?

    Stewart’s dad becomes romantically available as a tragic result of becoming widowed. He and Ashley’s mom had already established a platonic relationship with each other at their shared workplace and so it would appear perfectly natural that he gravitated toward her after having lost his wife. But, Ashley’s dad is very much alive and the new relationship does not spring forth as the result of a scandalous adulterous love affair coming to light. So what’s the deal here? Ashley’s mom has become available under entirely different circumstances. A year and a half before the story begins, Ashley’s father made the shocking announcement to his family that he was gay, making the marriage essentially worthless, leaving Ashley's mother lonely and seeking consolation.

  2. 2

    Why do the police show up at their house twice in the span of twenty-four hours?

    The first time the police show is the result of Stewart’s desperate call on Jared’s phone before he throws it to its merciless death. While the parents are away, a drunken Ashley and clueless Stewart allow a small party to get completely out of control. The house is filled with a hundred kids - most of whom they don’t know. Ashley’s boyfriend Jared takes pictures of her underwear while she’s passed out with the intention of taking further inappropriate (and non-consensual) photos. Stewart saved her from what could have been much worse than mere photographic humiliation. The very next morning, the police are called again to the same address to investigate a hate crime: the spray-painted word “faggot” on Ashley's father's new home in the area following the announcement of his homosexuality.

  3. 3

    How does the author “show” Ashley’s personality rather than merely “telling” the reader?

    Many writers take a lethargic approach to put a dumb, self-involved character into their stories by simply having others refer to that character as dumb. Throughout the book, however, the author chooses to show rather than tell this characteristic. He reveals in small ways that Ashley is not terribly smart, along with her degree of intellectual development [or lack thereof].

    This is accomplished both by Stewart making observations and by giving Ashley dialogue which provides insight. For instance, Stewart observes of his sister-to-be: “She is pretty, but I think she is also possibly hard of hearing.” This statement not only acts as a commentary on Ashley’s habit to ignore Stewart's existence as a person but also shows Stewart’s intuitive awareness of her personality through his ironic stance.

    Throughout the book, Ashley has a habit of saying things that are close to being appropriate but still misses the mark. This reveals that while she is not a complete moron, her level of intellect is far below her peers. In one instance, Ashley goes off-topic (digressing) and apologizes by saying, “But I regress.”

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