War Trash Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Yu conflicted about declaring his political affiliation?

    Yu does not seem like a particularly politically-motivated person. This makes declaring an affiliation difficult because he has not given a great deal of consideration to where his viewpoint might best be represented. He certainly makes no mention of a particular credo or conviction about any political belief and does not seem to feel that his country runs better with communists at the helm. He also makes no real effort to find out about any opposing political groups; it seems to be something that he considers to be disrupting his life rather than something that has an important part to play in his life. When one does not feel very strongly one way or another it is almost impossible to automatically declare an affiliation to one side or another. He is also conflicted because he does not want to feel the wrath of either side.

    Instead, Yu's affiliations are based on pragmatism rather than driven by belief. He wants the quietest life possible in camp so he gives the impression of affiliation to whichever group he is with. He also wants to get back to his mother and his girlfriend, which means that he will need to affiliate with the Chinese government. He wants to return to his non-political life, and so affiliates with whichever group will most easily provide him that outcome. Ultimately he would probably be more suited to a country with more freedom such as South Korea, but since his loved ones are in China this is not possible, hence his conflict.

  2. 2

    Why is Yu's homecoming a less stellar event than he imagined?

    Yu has brought shame on his country because he did not fight until the death. There is no glory in Chinese culture for those who have fought and been captured. As a soldier, he is expected to die trying rather than to live to see another day. The fact that he has not done this is extremely shaming to his country and by definition to his family as well. That is why his fiance is not as pleased to see him as he believed she would be. His workmates are not excited to see him either; they have to employ him but do not want to do so. Also, as a freed prisoner, he is not welcomed home as a freed Western prisoner would be. In the West, we are excited to see our heroes return home and we are proud of their bravery and courage. The Chinese society that Yu is returning to do not share our pride in their heroes, and do not view as heroic anyone who allows himself or herself to be captured, rather than dying in the battle. Yu is hoping that his family will have missed him in the same way he has missed them and will be overjoyed to see him, but because his return is mired in shame, they are less enthusiastic than he had hoped.

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