VenCo Irony

VenCo Irony

The family fights

Lucky and her grandmother often fight whenever they disagree. Ironically, the fighting makes them bond more. The reader expects the fighting between Lucky and her grandmother to cause a rift between them, but that is not the case because the more they fight, the more they love each other.

The VenCo Cover

VenCo Company is depicted as an organization that helps women fight for their leadership rights in society. Ironically, VenCo is a cover-up for the wicked activities conducted by the most powerful witches. The witches place women in positions of power, business, art, the entertainment industry, and religious institutions to manipulate the systems for their selfish gains.

The irony of Lucky

Lucky grows up as an ordinary child dreaming of becoming a writer. Lucky spends most of her time practicing the art of writing. Ironically, instead of being an author, Lucky becomes a witch. After becoming a witch, Lucky follows instructions from Salem's dark power to perform cult rituals.

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