Un Lun Dun Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Un Lun Dun Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Clean Air Act Allegory

The Klinneract is a magical weapon that was used to try to get rid of the Smog in London. It is an allegory of the Clean Air Act of 1956 which attempted to institute measures that would in some way reverse the effects of pollution in the city.

The Smog Symbol

The Smog is a symbol of the ill effects of pollution and also a symbolic warning about what can happen if measures are not taken to cut down the amount of pollution and dangerous gases that are emitted into the atmosphere. The Smog as a character is very threatening and is about to take over the world of UnLondon, and this symbolizes the way in which the city of London will easily be overtaken by pollution if something is not done to reverse this trend.

Brokenbroll's Name Symbol

Brokenbroll's name is a symbol of his actual role, or profession, in life. Brokenbroll literally symbolizes "broken umbrellas" (or "brollies" as they are colloquially known in London). In UnLondon he is in charge of all of the umbrellas but because they do not work correctly they are known there as UnBrellas.

Armets Allegory

Deeba learns that a group called the RMetS who were weather witches in London drove the Smog to UnLondon by using their Klinneract weapons. The Armets are allegorical of the Royal Meteorological Society in London, the group responsible for instituting air quality policy and enacting the Clean Air Act.

Alice in Wonderland Allegory

In many ways the story of Deeba's time in UnLondon is allegorical of Alice's adventure in Wonderland' rather than sliding down a rabbit hole, Deeba finds a gap between the London she knows and the UnLondon she fears. Both destinations are nonsensical and filled with things that are essentially the opposite of what one finds in real life. UnLondon, like Wonderland, is also a place where a little girl is the hero of the story and where inanimate objects come to life as animated characters in their own right.

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