Triumph of the Will Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Triumph of the Will Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Ringing Church Bells Symbol

The opening sequence of the film shows Hitler descending through the clouds whilst church bells peel in the background and the screen is bordered by towering cathedral spires. The church bells are symbolic of the Christian religion, which is intentional; Riefenstahl is intending to use this symbolism to blur the line between the church, and the Church of the Third Reich, and to imply that there is something almost metaphysical and other worldly about the Fuhrer.

Consecration of the Flag Symbol

Hitler compares the Nazi party to a Holy Order; a Holy Order is an ordained ministry. A symbol of this comparison that he wants the film to make in people's minds is the consecration of the rally flag. by touching it to the two "blood banners" that were used in action. This is also symbolic of the act of communion with the symbolic blood of Christ.

Labor Service Spades Symbol

When the man from the Labor Service stand in line after line before Hitler and the prominent Nazis, they hold their shovels as if they are rifles. This is symbolic of Hitler's militarizing of almost everything that represented the Reich. It was also unifying in that the intent of the propaganda was to show every citizen to be a vital cog in the machinery of war, even if they weren't actively involved in the military.

Eagles Symbol

The eagle image was used frequently in both the Reich in general, and in the film in particular. They were symbolic of the ancient Roman legions and intended to create the vision of an unbeatable army of legendary proportion. This also symbolizes Hitler's intention to create a vision for Germany that lasts for a millennia.

Flying Symbol

In the 1930s, traveling by air was not widely available; only the wealthy and the powerful were able to fly, yet Hitler was seen regularly traveling by plane; the film opens with his flight arriving in Nuremberg, and he is frequently seen boarding, or deplaning, flights. This is a symbol of his success and the way in which he wants to be perceived. He is not wealthy by any means, at least not in the income bracket that usually enables a person in the 1930s to fly to appointments, meetings and rallies. The air travel symbolizes Hitler's success and elevated status in the nation which of course is very important when making a propaganda film.

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