Tricks Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Tricks Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Capitola Mall (Symbol)

The characters' trip to the mall serves as a symbol of escapism and distraction. Capitola Mall represents a place where people go to temporarily escape from their problems, indulge in consumerism and superficial pleasures, and observe others. The presence of "weirdos" in the mall alludes to the idea that everyone has their hidden complexities and struggles beneath the surface. The novel uses the symbol to explore the deeper themes of emotional pain and isolation that the characters face. It provides insight into the characters' inner lives and the broader societal issues they represent.

Addiction and Substance Abuse (Motif)

Throughout the novel, addiction and substance abuse are recurring motifs. The characters grapple with various forms of addiction including drug addiction and addiction to the lifestyle they are drawn into. Moreover, the motif of addiction underscores the characters' vulnerability and their attempts to cope with the difficult circumstances they find themselves. The consequences of addiction are depicted realistically, which highlights the destructive nature of these behaviors and their impact on the characters' lives.

Sexuality and Exploitation (Motif)

Sexuality is a central motif in the novel as the characters become involved in the world of sex trafficking and prostitution. Their sexuality becomes a tool for exploitation, control, and manipulation. This motif explores the complexities of human sexuality, the commodification of bodies, and the blurred lines between desire and exploitation. The characters' experiences with their own sexual identities and how they are perceived by others are central to the narrative.

Skylar as an Allegorical Character (Allegory)

Skylar's presence and actions can be seen allegorically as a symbol of betrayal and manipulation. She seemingly orchestrates a situation to hurt and taunt Whitney by inviting her to the party and allowing her to witness Lucas with another girl. Skylar's grin is likened to Hannibal Lecter's, which reinforces the idea of manipulation and cruelty. Her actions represent the allegory of how people in our lives intentionally or unintentionally cause emotional harm.

The Garden and Farming (Symbol)

Seth mentions tending to the garden and the farm, which can be seen as a symbol of life and growth. The garden represents the potential for fostering or cultivating relationships just as one nurtures plants and crops. The mention of the farm's fate, particularly the uncertainty of the corn crop, symbolizes the unpredictable nature of life and its uncontrollable factors. Thus, it is a reflection of Seth's emotional state and the challenges he faces in his relationship with Loren.

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